Our small group sizes ensure a personalised approach, with just 6 children in our beginner groups (Flying Start & Green Mouse), and only 8 in all other levels.
Our beginner programs are created for first time skiers, age 5 and over, and are split by age to ensure the best possible learning experience.
Children will learn to ski while having fun, in a safe environment, and our unique teaching methods will ensure they progress with confidence.
Because of our small groups, and personalised teaching methods, there is a fantastic rapport between instructors and students.
Security: To easily identify Easy2Ride students and to guarantee the security of all our children, we provide each child a helmet cover colour coded to their ski level, which they wear for the week. Each cover has the contact details for the ski school, and the name of the level they are in.
Bonus: Each Friday evening, over a hot chocolate, children are presented with a medal and certificate. A souvenir photo of the week is also given to each child.